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Jake Thornton
Mar 11, 202433 min read
My First Short Story - Paternity Test
Last year, during the WGA writer's strike, I began playing around with short stories, purely as a way to keep myself engaged in writing...
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Jake Thornton
Jan 18, 20249 min read
How I managed to sell my first big expensive TV show to SyFy, and lived to tell the tale!
In my previous post, I discussed becoming a professional screenwriter, marked by a four-studio bidding war over our spec script,...
7,868 views6 comments

Jake Thornton
Jan 3, 202412 min read
How We Sold Our First Screenplay, Winter’s Knight
A few months ago I responded to a post in a Facebook screenwriting group. Someone had asked whether it was possible for a first-time...
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Jake Thornton
Jan 2, 20242 min read
Welcome to 2024. Let's make it better than 2023 yeah?
So... it's official. I suck at blogging. It's not so much that I suck at the actual writing, more that I simply forget I have a blog, and...
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Jake Thornton
May 29, 20234 min read
The Continuous Rise of "Fake IP" in Hollywood
IP, intellectual property, has been the source of adaptation since movies were a thing. There are examples of film adaptations going back...
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Jake Thornton
May 20, 20234 min read
My Movie is Being Removed from Disney+ OR Why Streaming Sucks
Greetings. It has been quite some time since my last blog post. Admittedly, maintaining this writing habit has proven to be more...
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Jake Thornton
Oct 17, 20225 min read
Writers Write and you can too OR how to stop browsing Twitter and write your damn thing.
A recent tweet by John Zaozirny, Bellevue Literary Manager, reads: Aside from the obvious, the tweet is true. Writers actually write....
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Jake Thornton
Oct 5, 20224 min read
How Ben and I got our first manager OR Why it’s good to be friends with Vikings
One of the questions many emerging screenwriters ask is “How do I get a manager?” Well, the answer is there is no ONE WAY to get a...
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Jake Thornton
Sep 28, 20225 min read
How not to take notes on your book or screenplay OR Why I didn’t write for two years
Writing is hard. We wake, we think we have to do some writing. But we find something else to do. A little voice reminds us ,“Hey, you...
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Jake Thornton
Sep 25, 20222 min read
Using Midjourney to fuel your imagination OR Do Androids Dream of eBook covers?
I. Love. Midjourney. As a screenwriter and aspiring author, I am constantly imagining wonderful and fantastical locations, characters,...
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Jake Thornton
Sep 23, 20227 min read
My Top Tips For Creativity OR where do I get my ideas?
When I had lived in LA for my first year, I celebrated by going down to Venice Beach, (or as, a Londoner, I call it Camden by the Sea),...
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Jake Thornton
Sep 20, 20228 min read
My first film release OR how I learned to ignore reviews and get on with my life
2022 has been a big year. I’ve celebrated lots of things. I became an American citizen. I finished writing my first novel. And I had my...
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